Living Temple
The Lord
is already building His prophesied temple in Israel
and the Dome of the Rock poses no hindrance whatsoever to His
That may be a surprising statement to many Christian
supporters of Israel who for many years have enthusiastically
followed and even supported the preparations of certain rabbinic
groups in Israel who seek to build a Third Temple on the site
where the Islamic Dome of the Rock now stands. That is not
the temple that holds the Lord's attention in Israel! His heart
is for an entirely different temple that is currently 'under construction'!
The temple in Israel
that God is building through His Son Yeshua (Jesus) is
a spiritual temple--a temple that is made of "living
stones" who are His body and His witnesses in the Land. Today
there are around 7,000 Jewish believers in Israel, their congregations
and house groups meet throughout the length and breadth of the
land. Each week brings reports of new believers coming to the
faith in Israel. This is the prophesied temple that the Lord is
building in the Land! Their existence in the land after 2,000
years is the greatest testimony of God's faithfulness to His people
Israel supporting Christians--are mostly ignorant of the existence
and the significance of the Lord's body in Israel. This ought
not to be the case. Christian support of Israel should be first
to the household of faith. That is not what has been happening.
How that must grieve the heart of God.
This site is
about and dedicated to the very real existence and presence of
the body of Christ in Israel—Jews who know and follow Israel’s
Messiah, in the modern nation of the biblical Holy Land. This
site is about them and their labors in a field that is ripe for
harvest. It is dedicated to declaring
to the Church that there is something far more important
going on in God's power for Israel than the raising up of a temple
made of mere wood and stone.
What is a temple
that human beings seek to build compared to the Israeli temple
that God is raising up through the revealing of His Son? Will
our focus as Christians remain engrossed with the activities of
the unbelieving religious community of Israel at
the expense of the Israeli body of Messiah that is being
supernaturally built by God? Do we suppose that God's heart is
set on the details of restoring a physical temple rather than
the restoration body of believers in the Land?
There is a bumper
sticker produced in Israel for tourists that reads, "ISRAEL
IS REAL." That is the message of this web site as well. Israel
is real. It is not a bible story or a museum of ancient holy things.
It is a land of real people whom the heart of the Lord longs to
restore in relationship through His Son. The Church has a part
to play in that restoration. It is a part that cannot be fulfilled
outside of recognition and support of the household of faith in
Israel. is about
Israelis: Jews who have met their Messiah and Arab Christians
living in either Israel-controlled areas or Palestinian-controlled
areas. This site is about how God is moving now in real lives
that are being changed even in the harsh realities of the epicenter
of the strongest spiritual warfare on the earth.
It is time for the worldwide Christian community to awaken to
Israel as something more than the setting of ancient biblical
accounts and characters. Jesus is again walking in the midst of
His people Israel. He is again revealing Himself to doubters and
sinners throughout the Land. He is again performing miraculous
acts of salvation, deliverance and healing of hearts, minds and
bodies in the land of Israel. He is just doing it through His
body, His servants who are laying down their lives to minister
and proclaim the good news of Israel’s Messiah in the land
of His brethren of the flesh.
This is not a Christian Zionist
web site. It is not a site focued on Judaica. We support Israel
whole heartedly but with understanding that New Testament precedent
places the body of Messiah as the top priority
for Christian support of Israel. We value the reconnection of
Christians to the Jewish roots of the faith, but the Father desires
more than fascination with all things Jewish to be fostered in
Christians! God is seeking to awaken the true bonds of love and
unity between Jew and Gentile in the Messiah.
Christians are related by our
faith to the body of Messiah in Israel. When we consider Israel,
it is the body first and foremost that should capture
our attention. Everyone and everything else in Israel is secondary
to the believers in Yeshua who are harvesting the ripening fields
in Israel. casts our ‘lot’
with the household of faith in Israel and seek here to make the
Church aware of not only their existence and significance, but
also to our Christian “duty” (as the apostle Paul
termed it), to minister to their material needs. What that means
is investing in their ministries and allowing them to be the distributors
of blessings that Christians worldwide are bestowing on the unsaved
nation of Israel. Allowing the indigenous ministries to do the
work of the ministry!
God’s heart is still toward people. It is the people of
Israel that He would have us turn our eyes upon, especially those
thousands in the land of Israel who intimately know His Son. Far
more important to the Lord than all the antiquities and relics,
far more significant to the worldwide body of Christ than all
the shrines and ancient churches of the Holy Land are the
people Jesus called, "the least of these My brethren."
Perhaps your theological perspective has not had a place for the
half million Jews worldwide who have come to know Yeshua as the
Messiah of Israel in the past one hundred years. Perhaps your
denominational stance on Israel has not included the emergence
of seven thousand Jewish believers in Israel in our generation.
Perhaps your eschatology has not factored in the revival of the
faith of Yeshua of Nazareth currently going on in seventy Israeli
Messianic Jewish congregations. What will you do with the discovery
of these realities?
This may be an
even tougher question for those Christians who are staunch supporters
of Israel. Will you take your eyes off of the rabbinic religious
establishment of Israel and rest them upon Christ's body in the
Land? Will you be able to face up to the realization that the
very religious groups of Israel so often appearing on Christian
television who are reaping the Lion's share of financial support
from Israel-supporting Christians are in fact the persecutors
of the household of faith, the believers in Yeshua in Israel?
For those who desire
to know more about the Israeli body of Messiah and how the Church
is called to support their ministries among Israelis, this site
is being developed to bring that information to you.
is a site that will be under constant development in the months
to come as we seek to include contact information and resources
from the entire body of Messiah in Israel.
--Donna Diorio
September 2004