Historic Event
by Daniel Juster
Director of Tikkun Ministries
Israel January 2007
November, I had the privilege of speaking at Dr. Jack Hayford's
annual pastoral leadership conference. Jack Hayford is a preacher
with great depth and balance. If you have heard his story,
then you know that even though he had no intention of leading
a mega church, God established one under his leadership.
This church, Church on the Way, was built on a model of integrity
at every level. They have established clear lines of moral,
financial and organizational accountability (Church on the
Way is part of The Four Square Gospel Church denomination).
They have also been a support to the unity of the Church in
their area. A few years ago, when most men are thinking about
retirement, Jack resigned from his church to begin The Kings
College and Seminary. He turned his church of 10,000 over
to his son in-law and the church continued to grow. Tragically,
his son in-law died of a brain aneurism. A new pastor, Jim
Tolle, was set in as the new congregational leader. Since
then, the church has continued to grow to well over 15,000
and Jack is still part of this community. In the last year,
Jack, at the age of 72, was chosen to be the president of
the Four Square Church denomination. May God grant us all
like vision, health and energy in our 8th decade!
A Joyful Surprise
I was greatly honored to be invited to attend King's College's
leadership conference but circumstances were such that it
was going to be difficult for me to leave Israel; still, I
had a strong sense that I was to be part of this conference
and so I went. I really did not know what to expect when I
came to California, but I was amazed at the opportunity to
be able to bring two messages to Jack's leadership gathering.
To my surprise, I found out that Jack had dedicated
his whole conference to the subject of Israel and the Messianic
Jewish restoration. I have personally been in the Messianic
Jewish ministry for almost 35 years and never, to my knowledge,
has a denominational leader given his whole leadership conference
to the subject of Israel and Messianic Jews.
The response to my speaking was encouraging. The preaching
by every participant was excellent. We heard from Don Finto
of Belmont Church in Tennessee, Robert Morris of Gateway Church
in Dallas, Jim Tolle the pastor of Church on the Way, Robert
Stearns of Eagles Wings, and Benny Hinn. Yes, Benny Hinn!
Now, I must admit to having a bit of prejudice concerning
things I had observed some years ago with Benny Hinn. But
Benny gave a message on the cross and death to self all within
the context of the salvation of Israel, which was amazing.
The witness of the Spirit in my own spirit was profound. As
a result of Jack Hayford's godly example and mentoring, Benny
Hinn became convicted, by the Holy Spirit, of the wrong kind
of showmanship and deeply repented publicly. Benny also came
against the self-centeredness and greed of some of the prosperity
teachers and noted that in the past even he himself had been
caught up in this. His demonstration of humility magnified
the power of his message and many remarkable miracles of healing
A Prophetic Foreshadowing?
My own perception is that this conference was not just another
good event, but something of a breakthrough in the spiritual
realm. I hope that it will be a sort of "first of its
kind" that will be followed by "many others of the
same kind." I believe that Jack has the wisdom and anointing
to move his whole denomination into right alignment with Israel
and the Messianic Movement. His messages showed real depth
of theology, perception, and passion. Please join me in praying
for protection on his life and great success in his endeavors.
The Challenge of Messianic
Jewish Ministry
Through just one organization last year, Christians
gave over 60 million dollars to Jewish organizations. Some
of this money was even distributed to persecutors of Messianic
Jews. Millions more were raised by Christians for other similar
organizations. Yet, fruitful Messianic Jewish ministries struggle
with financial needs. Messianic Jews spend much time and energy
raising support to just make it, and it does divert them from
the work on the ground. Partnering with Messianic Jews in
the Land has intrinsic value and allows for others from all
over the Church world to share in the rewards of the Jewish
It is still the day of small beginnings. The Bible School
we are working on here in Jerusalem is just one case in point.
Yet, if whole denominations and streams give themselves to
establishing the saved remnant of Israel (Messianic Jews)
and make this emphasis one of their core values, then this
would change dramatically.
I was blessed to be able to make contacts with quality leaders
at this conference. Yet, convincing one leader or church at
a time will never allow us to see the last days Church rightly
aligned with Israel and committed to the quality of prayer
and giving that will be needed. This will only take place
through apostolic leaders and prophets, and through denominational
leaders. I believe this is the implication of Romans 11:14
where Paul gives charge to all believers to be connected to
the salvation of Israel. A small percentage of mission funds
from churches and a large commitment to intensive prayer will
bring a new day in Jewish work. Our Toward Jerusalem Council
II project will soon be launching efforts toward this end.
In closing I would like to extend a hearty thanks to Jack
Hayford for perceiving the strategic importance of Israel
and the Messianic Jews, for taking a real risk, and for again
being on the cutting edge.
Juster is a recognized apostolic voice within the Messianic Jewish
who lives in Israel. Tikkun International is a network of emmissaries
in Israel
and around the world, working toward the restoration of Israel
and the unity of Jew and Gentile in the Body of Messiah.
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